Which Snacks And Scraps Are You Feeding Your Pet?
Tips For Keeping Your Pet Healthy
As pet owners, we all want our pets to live long and healthy lives. Owners can ensure that their pets stay healthy by implementing preventative measures into their daily routines. According to the AVMA, the cost of prevention is often a fraction of the cost of treating disease or a problem once it has become more […]
Ticks: Tips To Keep The Ticks Away
Tick season is upon us and if you live in an area where ticks are abundant, you may want to take extra measures to keep your pet tick-free! Pets can contract a number of diseases from a single tick bite such as Lyme Disease, American Canine Hepatozoonosis, Cytauxzoonosis, Tick Paralysis and more! A few symptoms […]
Heartworm Disease: What You Need To Know
What is heartworm disease? This disease is caused by worms that live in a pet’s heart and blood vessels of the lungs. Though it primarily affects the heart and lungs, it can also affect the kidney, liver, eyes, and the central nervous system. How does my pet get heartworm disease? Heartworm disease is not spread […]
Pet Insurance: Why You Need It
If you don’t already have pet insurance, you may be wondering if you need it. Just like human health insurance, it’s a great idea to have insurance for your pet. On average, the cost of owning a dog, from puppyhood to senior age is approximately $17,700. That lifetime expense could be even higher if your pet […]
Top 10 Dental Problems In Cats And Dogs: Malocclusion
Cute overbite! There are many different forms of malocclusions. Some may be caused by retained deciduous teeth, some may be a result of trauma and some can be genetic or developmental in origin resulting in a variety of malocclusions. Some malocclusions may result in trauma from abnormal tooth-to-tooth contact and/or tooth to soft tissue trauma. […]
Top 10 Dental Problems In Cats And Dogs: Retained And Fractured Deciduous Teeth
All deciduous or baby teeth should be gone at the age of 6 months for dogs and age of 5 months for cats and replaced by adult or permanent teeth. If there are deciduous teeth still present or retained at the time of spaying or neutering at 6 months of age, the deciduous teeth should […]
6 Benefits Of Spaying Or Neutering Your Pet
February is Spay and Neuter Awareness Month! You may have heard that spaying or neutering your pet has benefits; But what are those benefits? From health and behavioral to even being more cost-effective in the long term, here are 6 benefits of Spaying or Neutering your cat or dog! 1. Spaying your female pet before […]
Top 10 Dental Problems In Cats And Dogs: Worn Teeth
Pets spend most of their lives chewing on things, and their teeth can show wear and tear over time. Worn teeth can be caused by teeth on teeth contact (from malocclusion) or excessive and long-term chewing on objects like hard bones, rocks, tennis balls, etc. The pulp or root canal contains cells that give rise […]
Top 10 Dental Problems In Cats And Dogs: Excess, Rotated & Overcrowded Teeth
Puppies normally have twenty-eight deciduous or baby teeth and forty-two adult or permanent teeth. Dogs have four types of teeth – incisors, canine teeth, premolars, and molars. Extra teeth, rotated teeth, and overcrowding of teeth can cause pain, misalignment of teeth, excessive wear, soft tissue trauma and subsequent development and progression of periodontal disease. Selective extraction […]